
Latest version: v1.6.7

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- Avoid breaking the import of \*.zexp-files when an vocabularies don't exist
anymore, but instantiated object still exist in the import-file.

- Added field 'showTermPath' for vdex vocabularies, to manually turn of the
term path. [jensens] [hpeteragitator]

- Added field 'showLeafsOnly' for vdex vocabularies, to change if only the leaf
of the vocabulary tree can be selected. [jensens] [hpeteragitator]

- Refactored getDisplayList for vdex vocabularies [jensens] [hpeteragitator]

- Run i18ndude and updated german translations [hpeteragitator]

- Let createSimpleVocabs accept dictionary keys as tuples of (id, title) (like
createHierarchicalVocabs already does), to enable one to give the vocabulary
a title.



- Avoid deprecation warnings [WouterVH]

- Update metadata-files and folder-structure to current conventions. [WouterVH]

- Add `z3c.autoinclude` entry point for automatic ZCML loading in Plone 3.3+.

- Add to include top-level \*.txt-files. [WouterVH]



- Don't fetch version and shortdesc from metadata.xml - this is wrong. [jensens]



- Changed method of dermining if LinguaPlone is installed. Asking QI does not
work in Plone4. [naro]

- Added some missing dependencies, and a new extra section to
This helps to get a simple buildout cfg for testing against plone4. [do3cc]

- Added some sleeps between installs in the tests, else genericsetup
creates ids twice, and fails. [do3cc]

- Temporary deactivated two checks in the tests. With
Products.CMFQuickInstaller>=3.0.3, the portal_vocabularies don't get
deleted during uninstall. [do3cc]

- Restructured test setup, since call semantics changed. [do3cc]



- Fixed deprecated API call to registerType without Package Name. Works now for
Plone4. [thet]

- Added Products.LinguaPlone as test dependency to extras_require and begun
fixing tests. [thet]

- Removed old slow VDEX implementation; added stub for import/export of vocabs
with generixsetup; added support for vdex import with genericsetup. [jensens]



- Added spanish translations provided by Diego Municio

- Merged in Duke's patch for multilingual csv import for simple vocabularies.
Cfr. [fRiSi]

- Fixed test setup so ATVM is set up using the new GS profile added by naro.
(tested with plone 3.1.1 buildout)
this fixes

- Got rid of tests.framework. [fRiSi]

- Added imsvdex as a required dependency in which makes it unnecessary
to ``easy_install imsvdex`` for people using buildout. [fRiSi]

- Added GenericSetup profile, removed [naro]

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