
Latest version: v3.0.2

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Fixed tests on 4.3 by adding Products.PloneTestCase as test dependency.



- Removed tag from interfaces to fix permission error.

- Add width and height to the banner object, since we don't have access to view from

- Fixes a few small typos and updated



- Added Retina support to the banners. Simply upload images with double sizes.
So if you set the Carousel to 800x350 pixels you can now upload images with
a size of 1600x350 pixels. On Retina screens your banners will have much more

* Use images to generate urls to the scales images with sizes defined in
the Carousel options. This improves the speed of loading because they are
cached in the browser forever. It also prevent users from using images
that are way to big.

* The template now has two scales, one for the regular screens and the
2x image for the retina version and defines it in the srcset attribute.
The javascript simply adds the srcset as well when using lazyloading.

* As of this version support for Plone 3 is dropped.


- Added ``z3c.autoinclude``-entrypoint to mark this as a Plone-plugin.
This avoids the need to explicitly load the zcml-slug.

- Added Brazilian Portuguese translation.

- Added German translation.

- Updated icon for content type: Carousel Banner. [taito]

- When creating a banners folder, set exclude_from_nav and restrict types via
ISelectableConstrainTypes adapter, for compatibility with (Dexterity) Folders.



- Fixed error on hover. [kroman0]



- Browser view support for showing and hiding carousel viewlet added. [taito]

- Lazily load carousel images [miohtama]

- Don't display ``<img alt="">`` text on the carousel images as it leads to confusing
with partially load carousel images [miohtama]

- Added checkbox to enable lazy loading carousel images. [kroman0]

- A checkbox for randomizing the order of shown pictures [miohtama]

- Added Plone 4.3 compatibility [davilima6]

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