
Latest version: v3.6

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- Updated i18n support, adding i18n sentences for workflow strings, synced
the pot files and updated the po files.

- Update Spanish translations

- Githib issue $45 [sureshvv]



- Fix unresolved or circular dependency when installing Ploneboard (or
when applying any GenericSetup profile). The import step to apply
the information from the ``types`` directory is called ``typeinfo``.

- update pt-br translations

- Fixed dependency for AccessControl. Plone < 4.3 have an old version pinned

- Fix catalog definition in comment_redirect_to_conversation after PloneboardConversation refactoring



- buildout fixes/update, code cleanup, pep8 and fixes in test, ...

- removed some superfluos indexes. metadata is enough

- update of basque translation

- make travis work
[Suresh V]

- update german translations

- Fixed RSS for Plone 4.3

- Fixed UnicodeDecodeError on add portlet

- Fix wrong permission check in add conversation viewlet. Fixes 29.

- Check if toPloneboardTime gets a callable and call it to get a Datetime

- Fixed visual issue with HTML lists when WISIWYG editor is enabled

- Call unmarkCreationFlag method after comment creation, to remove creation flag

- Fixed attachment translations

- Fixed bug: moderation_form fail to render when using VirtualHostMonster

- Added check in ploneboard tool that allows anonymous users to insert a name in comments/discussions

- Fix rebuild_i18n script [cekk]

- Replaced "getLastCommentUrl" index/metadata with "getLastCommentId".
This fixes a bug when we have frontend url different from backend.



- Updated i18n machinery [kiorky]

- More robust & quickier functionnal tests

- Refresh buildout infra

- Better setup for TravisCI tests

- Made tests pass. Added Travis support.

- Fix genericsetup import steps declaration

- Compatilbity with new plone.batching

- Preserve Link with URL as text instead of creating nesting "a" nodes.
Issue 10 at
Allow URI with round brackets. Issue 7

- Updated Spanish translations

- Updated i18n support, adding i18n sentences for translation strings, synced
the pot files and updated the po files.

- Fix issue 11 at

- Fix issue 9 at

- Make pb_attachment a resource js file rather than dtml

- Add forum property that will enable members to edit their own comments

- Fixed imports for Plone 4.3

- Fixed i18n headers, added locales folder and updated pt-br translations

- Add button label to start a new conversation instead of reusing the "add comment"

- Don't show workflow actions and reply button while composing a reply.

- Fix compatibility with classic (non Chameleon) Zope template engine

- Remove "Quick Reply" label. From the users point of view this is just
a normal reply.

- Do no swallow ConflictError anymore [keul]

- Update number of comments looking at the current users permissions
(before this the number were updated even if a comment was not published)

- Fixed forum view: always display the third column in forum view

- Rejected comments can now be modified from owners before submitting again

- Added support for "Site Administrator" role

- Forum area is not visible to users (even if published) if inside private

- Allowed translations for "Anonymous" comment in ploneboard views [cekk]

- Added Captcha support for anonymous. If recaptcha is installed and configured. [cekk]

- Fixed italian translations [cekk]

- Fixed add_comment_script. After adding a new comment, if the user
(logged or anonymous) can't access to the comment (for example if it's moderated),
he will be redirected to the discussion

- Added text field to Ploneboard AT [cekk]



- Add default permission mappings for the Plone 'Reader', 'Contributor',
'Editor', and 'Reviewer' roles used on the sharing tab.

- Rename default GS profile to "default" and keep "ploneboard" as a
backwards compatibility alias only.

- Add upgrade step to register form controller actions for comments.

- Add upgrade step to register ploneboard.css in portal_css.

- Add manifest [aclark4life]



- Added odd/even class on conversation view comments.

- Conversation views are restricted to View permission (not public),
so if it is visible to authenticated members only,
anonymous are redirected to login form.

- Fixed threaded conversation view after conversation_view template removed.

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