
Latest version: v1.7.3

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Remove dangerous escaped characters from definitions. ``<script>``
and other tags were already filtered out. Now we also filter out
code like ``&lt;script&gt``. Text like ``1 < 2`` is still fine.
I have not seen this go wrong, but it seems better to fix.
Added upgrade step to update cataloged descriptions if needed.

- Fixed bad definition display for non-ascii characters. Fixes issue

- Do a better split on words in the document text. Things like
``T<sub>one</sub>`` were wrongly viewed as one word. Other html
tags could also remain part of the word, making it less likely that
a match was found. [maurits]

- Set the ``Content-Type`` header of ``ploneglossary_definitions.js``
to Javascript when loaded standalone instead of inline. This eases
debugging: with the standard html header Diazo would needlessly try
to parse it and fail. Also this showed up ugly in your browser.



- Strip white space from glossary term before comparing. Otherwise we
would look for ``Title \t`` when you have a space and a tab in it,
so we would not find anything.



- Add ``Products.PloneTestCase`` to the ``test`` extra requirements.

- Add an option in the Glossary control panel to highlight only the first word
found on a page. This is useful in for example scientific documents where the
same terms are used a lot, which can cause excessive highlighting. Disabled
by default to keep default behaviour (highlight all terms found).



- If terms are not highlighted in the content area of a portal_type,
do not show the definitions in a portlet either.

- Use the SearchableText indexer to see which text to highlight. Fall
back to SearchableText. This supports dexterity, if an indexer is
defined explicitly for a content type (like is done in
````) or dynamically with a behavior
(``collective.dexteritytextindexer``). Note that it is better to
not activate glossary highlighting for files, because then every
time you view a file, the indexer will likely call an external
program to convert the file to plain text.

- Do not require a ``ploneglossary.txt`` in our ``ploneglossarytool``
import step for importing settings. The ``glossary.xml`` file
already functions as a flag file. The text file is only needed as
flag file for our ``ploneglossary-reg`` import step.



- Change the condition for ``ploneglossary.css`` so it does not give
an error when accessing the Dexterity control panel, which does not
allow access to ``meta_type``. Note that if you have customized
PloneGlossary and kept the same meta_type but have given it a
different portal_type, you will need to change the condition
accordingly. Includes upgrade step.

- Removed use of linkOpaque.gif. It failed in Plone 4.3 and was not
actually needed.

- Removed relatedItems slot for Plone 4.3 compatibility

1.5.3-FHNW1 (2012-11-22)

- Removed support for other encodings as UTF-8 and simplified code.
Encodings other than UTF-8 are currently not supported by Plone

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