
Latest version: v4.0

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- Safely get 'getVersions' metadata from brains

- Safely get 'getStartHere' metadata from brains

- Safely get 'getAudiences' metadata from brains

- Add items to 'No section' for which getSection returns an empty list.

- Allow 'internally_published' for items.

- Fix german translations.



- Compatible with Plone 4.2 and 4.3. Should still work on 4.0 and

- Types: switch from content_icon to icon_expr.

- Switch the sample manual text to html. This way you can edit it
properly with TinyMCE. It used to be structured text, which is
not accepted as mimetext by default, so you would actually lose
the layout when you edit it.

- Register png icons from standard Plone for HelpCenterHowToFolder
and HelpCenterLinkFolder. Add upgrade step to apply the
typeinfo and recatalog these two portal_types. Otherwise on
Plone 4.3 these items miss icons in listings.

- Fixed faqfolder_view error by checking if item brain returns a value
when asking for getSections

- Removed ancient patch for CMFCore 1.4.7 or lower, which was last
used in Plone 2.0.5.

- Fix test for knowledge base type not globally addable.

- Replace rss.gif with rss.png

- Removed unused to remove dependency from

- Make ManualPage addable through tempfolder

- Make the knowledge base type not globally addable.

- Make it possible to filter phc_search by getVersions
[davisagli cioppino]

- Improved styling of portlet_phc_about
[davisagli, hennaheto cioppino]

PloneHelpCenter 4.0b3 (2011-05-12)

- Clean up package and release

- Update discussion_reply.cpy to keep in sync with Plone.

- Add subnavigation to most templates.

- Revamp helpcenter_topicview_main to show start-here items,
topic counts.

- Add getPHCSubNav method for PloneHelpCenter to create subnavigation.

- Added metadata.xml file, used by QuickInstaller when upgrading

PloneHelpCenter 4.0b2 (2010-12-28)

- Fix phc_stats template in Plone 4.

- Fix import error in Plone 3.

- Use the containment acquisition chain to get the parent
attributes in ReferenceManualSection type.

- Make listings respect the subtopics order set in the HelpCenter
or type folders, instead of sorting alphabetically.

PloneHelpCenter 4.0b1 (2010-12-09)

- Use ordering adapters in Plone 4 to sort items in sections.

- Make the default view for PHC folders obey the items ordering
set using the Contents tab. Formerly, they were sorted
alphabetically by title.

- Allow all site-enabled markup types for PHC content, instead of
a fixed list.

- Modify workflow definitions to disallow Anonymous users to see
content inside hidden Help Centers.

- Remove the "Properties" tab for content-types, that was
duplicating the Metadata schemata already present in the edit
view in Plone 3.

- Make mail sending code compatible with Plone 3. PHC 4 is now
compatible with both Plone 3 and 4.

PloneHelpCenter 4.0a1 (2010-12-07)

- Use lxml to turn image relative links into absolute for the
one-page version of manuals. This introduces a new install
dependency on lxml.

- Include numbering in the section title.

- Rename type titles: "Page" to "Tutorial Page" and "Link" to
"Help Center Link".

- Made it possible to query contentIds via XML-RPC for
collective.developermanual uploads [miohtama]

- Use the aq_parent function instead of the attribute to avoid
AttributeErrors when not using an acquisition wrapper (newer
Zope versions).

- Fix next/previous custom adapter to visit the same items as appear in
the navigation dropdown. Also make sure this adapter is used for legacy
ReferenceManuals. This fixes
[dukebody, davisagli]

- Don't fail when trying to acquire getCurrentVersions if not in
a container that includes currentVersions in its schema. [davisagli]

- Fix the imports to use always Zope 3 style interfaces, making
the code work both in Plone 3 and 4 simultaneuslly.
[dukebody, thanks davisagli]

- Merge relevant changes from the Plone 4 migration branch from
Fabio Rizzo. [dukebody]

- Reverted obsolete code from the fix. [acsr]

- Updated INSTALL.txt with step by step upgrade guide related to
issue 142 "upgrade steps order unclear" and issue 132 "errata
mentioning Ploneboard". [acsr]

- Fixed an issue with failure to display referencemanual_view when
files are present in the reference manual. [acsr, thanks dukebody]

- Update the whole product to work with Plone 4.0a2. [dukebody]

- Removed "global allow" for Reference Manual. This closes

- updated INSTALL.txt with step by step upgrade guide related to
issue 142 "upgrade steps order unclear" and issue 132 "errata
mentioning Ploneboard". [acsr]

- Respect exclude_from_nav setting in the reference manual
table of contents generation [miohtama]

For older history, see ``docs/HISTORY.txt``.



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