
Latest version: v4.0.4

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Bug fixes:

- Only fire ObjectModifiedEvent once when an item is reverted to an old version. [davisagli] (90)



Bug fixes:

- Replaced label 'Working Copy' with 'Current revision' [rristow] (55)
- Do not depend on Zope2 but Zope and remove transitional dependencies.
[jensens] (87)
- Fix deprecated imports and not depend on CMFPlone.
Removes also circular dependency.
[jensens] (88)
- Fix test to work with updated CMFUid.
[davisagli] (89)



Breaking changes:

- The VersionView class is deprecated because it contained just one method that is now part of the plone view
[ale-rt] (84)



Breaking changes:

- Removed and from skin.
Instead, you can change the versioning config in the ``content-controlpanel``.
[maurits] (72)
- Removed migration code from version 1.0alpha3 to 1.0beta1 from 2006.
Removed Storage Migration Support.
This had code for creating a test hierarchy for migration tests.
[maurits] (72)
- Removed unused which defines a versions_history macro.
We do still have versions_history_form.
[maurits] (72)

New features:

- Merged skin script ``checkUpToDate`` into ``versions_history_form`` view.
Merged ``can_diff`` view into ``versions_history_form`` view.
[maurits] (71)
- Remove now empty CMFEditions skin layer in an upgrade step.
[maurits] (71)
- Moved various items from from skin to a browser view:
``saveasnewversion``, ``revertversion``, ``diff_legend``, ``versions_history_form``, ``compare.css``.
[maurits] (71)

Bug fixes:

- Removed
This template is deprecated. Use the history view instead.
[maurits] (71)
- QA: black, isort, flake8, fix deprecation warnings, remove use of six, upgrade to Python 3.7-only syntax.
[maurits] (80)



Breaking changes:

- Removed support for Archetypes, Zope 2 and Python 2.
Removed Archetypes-only modifiers: ``RetainATRefs``, ``NotRetainATRefs``, ``SkipBlobs``, ``CloneBlobs``.
Added upgrade step to remove these modifiers from the ``portal_modifier`` tool.
This is for Plone 6 only.
[maurits] (74)
- Update for Plone 6 with Bootstrap markup
[petschki] (79)

New features:

- Handle broken VersionPolicies and modifiers in a nicer way.

- ``ConditionalModifier.isApplicable``: return False when modifier is broken.
- ``portal_repository.listPolicies``: log and ignore Broken VersionPolicies.

[maurits] (74)
- Barceloneta LTS support
[petschki] (77)



Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (1)

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