
Latest version: v1.4.0

Safety actively analyzes 663890 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Breaking changes:

- *add item here*

New features:

- *add item here*

Bug fixes:

- *add item here*



New features:

- More Python 2 / 3 compatibility adjustments



Bug fixes:

- Imports are Python3 compatible
[ale-rt, b4oshany]

- Fix import from Globals that is removed in Zope4.



- Allow laquo and raquo HTML entities in translations.



- Moved to a real package layout.

- Extended support for locales folder. Now both a locales folder and an
i18n folder are supported at the same time.

- Added ® to the allowed HTML entities and removed ™.

- Implemented support for locales folder layout as used by Zope3. If
there's an i18n folder inside a product this is used however.



- Finally made running tests via 'zopectl test' work.

- Got rid of the last external binary dependency. Provided much nicer error
messages for missing or additional messages in comparision of pot and po
files. At least on Windows this results in a major speed improvement
(16 sec now, 150 sec before)!

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