- Add a integrated test setup with codeanalysis and travis. For this moved
``Products`` folder to a ``src`` folder in order to follow the package
structure expected by ``buildout.plonetest``'s ``qa.cfg``.
- Make patching of LDAPMultiPlugin explicit. Code using those must call
``Products.PlonePAS.ldapmp.patch_ldapmp`` with no parameters in order
to activate the patches.
- Removed (optional) Archetypes Storage (used in past with CMFMember, which
itself was long time ago superseded by Membrane). Probably dead code. If
there's someone out there needing it in Plone 5 please copy the code from
git/Plone4 in your addon/project.
- Moved ``Extensions/Install.py`` functions to setuphandlers, kept BBB import
for ``activatePluginInterfaces`` since this is imported by ``borg.localrole``.
- Expect Python 2.7 with ``collections.OrderedDict``.
- Remove nasty dependency to Products.CMFDefault.
- Cleanup patches, allow introspection by using wrap_method, add roles using wrap_method,
add deprecation and merge ``gruf_support.py`` in ``pas,py`` to have a better overview
what is patched.
- Cleanup: PEP8 et all, zca decorators, rough code review
- In searchForMembers, ensure that request parameters are properly
decoded to unicode