- Base code for original project:
Sidnei da Silva, `awkly.org <http://awkly.org>`_
- User Interface, concept, quality assurance and a tiny bit of Python:
Alexander Limi, `Plone Solutions <http://www.plonesolutions.com>`_
- Architecture, Development:
`Joel Burton <mailto:joeljoelburton.com>`_
- Archetypes fixes, workflow code, all-over greatness and dedication:
`Martin Aspeli <mailto:optiludegmx.net>`_
- Additional code help, Archetypes fixes, clean-up of External Storage:
Dorneles Treméa `Plone Solutions <http://www.plonesolutions.com>`_
- Additional Assistance:
Christian Heimes, Daniel Nouri
- Icons:
Vidar Andersen, `Black Tar <http://www.blacktar.com>`_
- Testing, Feedback, and Bug Fixes:
Michael Davis