**New Features**:
* New function writeBILD to write modes in BILD format for viewing in Chimera/ChimeraX\
* New function addMissingAtoms based on PDBFixer or OpenBabel
* Added Seaborn kernel density estimator (KDE) options to showProjection like Kaynak et al., 2022
* Added options to control adjust_text for showProjection
* Added unite_chains option to parseMMCIF to handle splitting over segments
* New function interpolateModel based on SITUS ModeHunter
* New ClustENM app
* New module for analysing water bridges (only for Python 3)
* New option nproc as a number of processors limit for solveEig, ANM, GNM and PCA calcModes
**Bug Fixes and Improvements**:
* Fixed Trajectory next frame overwriting with atoms linked
* Important fixes to alignBioPairwise
* Update to blastpdb to account for changes to on the NCBI side
* Improvements to apps including writing matrices
* Improved handling of mmCIF files including those from PDB-REDO
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prody/ProDy/compare/v2.4.0...v2.4.1