- ``timecall()`` now defaults to the highest-precision timer (``timeit.default_timer()``) instead of ``time.time()``: https://github.com/mgedmin/profilehooks/pull/11
- Drop claim of Python 3.2 compatibility. Everything still works, except I'm no longer running automated tests on 3.2, so things might regress.
- Drop Python 2.6 compatibility.
- Add Python 3.6 compatibility.
- Include PID in temporary filenames: https://github.com/mgedmin/profilehooks/issues/6.
- Claim Python 3.5 compatibility.
- New option: ``profile(stdout=False)`` to suppress output to sys.stdout.
- Make ``profile(profiler='hotshot')`` work again. This was probably broken in 1.0 or 1.1, but nobody complained.
- Fix missing space in the output of ``profile(skip=N)``.
- Make ``coverage_with_hotshot`` output match ``coverage`` output precisely.
- 100% test coverage.
- Claim Python 3.4 and PyPy compatibility.
- Explicitly claim Python 3.3 compatibility.
- Fix Python 3.x bug with coverage (stop using sys.maxint): https://github.com/mgedmin/profilehooks/issues/2.