
Latest version: v0.2.7

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- The AlphaFold database TED domains are made available to search against, with FAISS used for fast searching.
- Pre-embedded databases are stored as Float16 to reduce disk usage.
- Datasets and scripts for benchmarking (including for other methods), FAISS index generation and training are made available.


- Change model architecture to use 6 EGNN layers and tau torsion angles, making it faster and SE(3)-invariant rather than E(3)-invariant.
- The AlphaFold models for 21 model organisms are made available to search against.
- The trained model and pre-embedded databases are downloaded from Zenodo rather than GitHub when first running the software.


- Fix data download.


- Add ECOD database.
- Use versioned model directory.


- Add einops dependency.
- Add code for ECOD database.


Initial release of the `progres` Python package for fast protein structure searching using structure graph embeddings.

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