
Latest version: v0.3.2

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Sat Jul 17 08:16:22 2021 -0400

* [`8745bc2`]( v0.1.7.post6: Fix bbox location
* [`badaaf1`]( Repeat bbox when needed
* [`4228c1f`]( Fix bbox drawing
* [`8c43f32`]( Show that geometry variables are possible in Python
* [`9797c3f`]( Update GUI screenshot; Add postfix examples


Sat Jul 17 02:10:05 2021 -0400

* [`724e311`]( v0.1.7.post5: Use after() and after\_cancel() to keep only one instance of zoom
* [`9eced7c`]( Use after() and after\_cancel() to keep only one instance of zoom
* [`16e3263`]( docs: remove textwrap and add urllib.request in requirements


Tue Jul 13 16:08:00 2021 -0400

* [`804d0a3`]( v0.1.7.post4
* [`da1b17b`]( v0.1.7.post4
* [`b20c733`]( Skip bbox whose btlr is undefined
* [`c76c6c3`]( New GUI screenshot in


Sun Jul 11 19:52:00 2021 -0400

* [`a3afdd2`]( v0.1.7.post3: Zoom on Windows and macOS
* [`39c4a2b`]( Support mouse wheel on Windows and macOS


Sun Jul 11 19:10:34 2021 -0400

* [`f84ff3c`]( Fix overlay refresh
* [`14a7aa6`]( Fix overlay refresh


Sun Jul 11 19:00:31 2021 -0400

* [`edb2e52`]( Fix openstreetmap import
* [`37d57a7`]( Fix openstreetmap import

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