Changed (BREAKING)
- Use flags instead of positional arguments for config file and listen address
- Scrape /nodes endpoint from current node only (180)
- Remove tini from docker image (179)
- Bump required python version to 3.9 (bullseye) (162)
- Run with a dedicated user in container by default (182)
- Implement pypi trusted publishing workflow (187)
- Use PEP440 pattern when converting repo release tags into docker image tags (183)
- Remove references to develop branch (181)
- Update docker image to alpine 3.18.4 (170)
- Bump required python version to 3.9 (in README) (169)
- Remove fallback for BooleanOptionalAction (obsolete in python>=3.9) (163)
- Fix github actions (161)
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 (177)
- ci: add dependabot (176)
- ci: add arm64 image build (175)