- In propel.py, If only maintenance.active is True, will put down everything
- 0.30.2
- In the propel Summary, fixed the supervisor process name
- Change == to = in post-receive hook
- 0.30.0
- Refactoring
- backward incompatible.
- If upgrading,
need to rerun 'propel-setup'
stop all the processes 'propel -x' or manually
relaunch 'propel -w'
- 0.25.0
- Change the name of the supervisor app name
- Added command 'propel -c' to create a new repository directory
ie: propel -c mynewapp
- Added command --ps to show processes
- 0.24.0
- Fixed missing 'exclude' in web options. 'exclude' takes precedence over 'remove'.
If found, it will exclude it
- 0.23.0
- added 'pip_options' to set pip options
- 0.22.6
- Add test to see if 'propel-setup' has been setup
- Set force_non_www to True by default
- 0.22.5
- Fixed missing 'environment'
- Reformat the result summary
- 0.22.4
- Fixed missing data
- 0.22.0
- bump version
- 0.21.0
- rename 'deployapp' to 'propel'
- rename $PYTHON to $PYTHON_ENV
- 0.20.0
- Add maintenance page
- Added more setup config in propel-setup
- install nginx
- install php-fpm
- setup virtualenvwrapper
- no longer have 'exclude' option in web
- change scripts into dict with multiple keys to run
- new command
--maintenance on | off
- rename git command
--git-init $repo_name
--git-push-web $repo_name
--git-push-cmd $repo_name '$cmd1' '$cmd2' '$cmd...'
- short command
-w => --website
-s => --scripts
-k => --workers
-x => --undeploy
-m => --maintenance
- 0.12.2
- Small refactor. Use var application instead of checking if it's exist again
- 0.12.1
- Added $CWD to refer to the current working directory
- 0.12.0
- Change some git command name
- '--git-init www' changed to '--on www --git-init'
- '--git-push-deploy www' changed to '--on www --git-push-web'
- '--git-push-no-deploy www' has been removed
- Added new git command
- '--on $repo_name --git-init' initiate the bare repo
- '--on $repo_name --git-push-web' Deploy a web app on each push
- '--on $repo_name --git-push-cmd '$cmd' ' Set a command to be executed on push
- '--on $repo_name --git-push-cmd ''' empty, it will remove all command
- 0.10.1
- fixed missing 'workers' key in deploy_workers()
- 0.10.0
- added --undeploy to undeploy applications
- added option for undeploy script 'scripts_undeploy' to execute on --undeploy
- added option to run custom scripts '--scripts --name $script_name'
- 0.9.0
- add server_name in nginx option to allow multiple server_name
- 0.8.3
- use $PYTHON & $LOCAL_BIN to refer to environment path
- 0.8.2
- Added option to specify logs directly in the nginx config