
Latest version: v1.6.4

Safety actively analyzes 665719 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Overall code and test refactoring, thanks to gsakkis
* Allow the del statement for resetting cached properties with ttl instead of del obj._cache[attr], thanks to gsakkis.
* Uncovered a bug in PyPy,, thanks to gsakkis
* Fixed threaded_cached_property_with_ttl to actually be thread-safe, thanks to gsakkis



* Regression: As the cache was not always clearing, we've broken out the time to expire feature to its own set of specific tools, thanks to pydanny
* Fixed typo in README, thanks to zoidbergwill



* Added timed to expire feature to ``cached_property`` decorator.
* **Backwards incompatiblity**: Changed ``del monopoly.boardwalk`` to ``del monopoly['boardwalk']`` in order to support the new TTL feature.



* Added threading support with new ``threaded_cached_property`` decorator
* Documented cache invalidation
* Updated credits
* Sourced the bottle implementation



* Fix the dang-blarged py_modules argument.



* Removed import of package into ````

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