**Physics improvements**
- Add Photoproduction (Gamma + Hadron interaction) as a new interaction type (PR 222)
- Restructure PhotoPairProduction secondary calculation classes, adding `PhotoPairProductionKochMotzForwardPeaked` as a new parametrization to describe PhotoPairProduction secondaries (PR 247)
- Add variable `end_position` to ContinousLosses (PR 223)
- Add `target_hash` information to StochasticLoss objects to keep information about the medium/component that we interacted with; add `GetMediumForHash` and `GetComponentForHash` functions to get medium/component for a given hash (PR 224)
- Improve v node distribution for Ionization interpolation to increase accuracy of stochastic losses (PR 240)
- Add function `HitGeometry` to Secondaries (PR 241)
- Move density_correction parameter for LPM classes from Constructor to method (PR 243)
- Register custom ParticleDef objects in Type_Particle_Map; momenta of custom particles are calculated correctly now (PR 225)
- Return empty Loss object in Interaction::SampleLoss if no stochastic interaction is possible, avoiding rare runtime errors during propagation (PR 230)
- Improve search for the correct python version for installations with pip (PR 234)
- add missing `NoScattering` case to make_multiple_scattering function (PR 245)
- New return case if UtilityInterpolant::GetUpperLimit is trivial, avoiding occasional numerical problems (PR 249)
- Avoid (possible) unnecessary recalculations when crossing sector borders, avoiding occasional numerical problems (PR 251)
- Fix wrong order in AdvanceDistance, fix to PR 251 (PR 252)
- Catch negative values of the differential crosssection for PhotoQ2Intgration (PR 256)
- Fix caches in GitHub actions (PR 228)
- Push GTest version to 1.11.0 (PR 232)
- Update setup.cfg (PR 235)
- Improve jupyter notebook example and update README.md (PR 236)
- Clarify exception thrown when path to configuration file is not readable (PR 237)
- Add Austin Schneider to author list (PR 239)
- UnitTest overhaul (PR 242)