- Improved logging for debugging
- Added V5 drivers to Windows installers
- Added V5 Vision Utility to Windows Installers
Updating to the new version
Python PIP
Run `pip install https://github.com/purduesigbots/pros-cli3/releases/download/3.1.2/pros_cli_v5-3.1.2-py3-none-any.whl` (or `pip3`, depending on your system)
Download and run the appropriate installer
See below for the new recommended method of installing the CLI
macOS installs
1. [Install Homebrew](https://brew.sh/) if it's not already installed. This may take a while.
2. Run `brew tap purduesigbots/pros`
3. Run `brew cask install gcc-arm-embedded pros-editor` (if you want to install only the CLI, you can run `brew cask install gcc-arm-embedded && brew install pros-cli` instead)
- if Homebrew complains about some files existing when trying to install the toolchain (gcc-arm-embedded), run `rm -f /usr/local/bin/arm-none-eabi-*` to clear the old files out
- if you already have the PROS CLI installed, or if Homebrew complains about some files existing when trying to install the CLI, you'll want to uninstall it first
- if you installed using `pip`, you can run `pip3 uninstall pros-cli-v5`
- if you installed using the .app bundle, you can move that bundle to the trash folder, and then run `rm -f /usr/local/bin/prosv5` to clear out the old file