In the previous version, if the user didn't select soil spectra and the default were used, the same spectrum was used for spectrum 1 and 2. This has now been solved, as well as cleaning up a bit of the fortran wrappers.
A stable release of the PROSAIL bindings. You can also get it from the cheeseshop.
Solves a bug with the optional soil model parameters. If unspecified, they were set to 0 rather than to the internal fortran arrays. This has not been solved. Additions to the documentation of the main functions has also been improved.
This new version comes with two extra parameters: 1. A soil brightness term 2. A parameter to control what type of leaf angle distribution parameters are to be used.
Furthermore, it also exposes all the fortran routines through `prosail_fortran` (this is useful if you just want to run PROSPECT on its own).