Breaking changes
[`ResolvedPos.marks`]( no longer takes a parameter (you probably want [`marksAcross`]( if you were passing true there).
Attribute and mark constraints in [content expressions]( are no longer supported (this also means the `prosemirror-schema-table` package, which relied on them, is no longer supported). In this release, mark constraints are still (approximately) recognized with a warning, when present.
[`ContentMatch`]( objects lost a number of methods: `matchNode`, `matchToEnd`, `findWrappingFor` (which can be easily emulated using the remaining API), and `allowsMark`, which is now the responsibility of [node types]( instead.
[`ContentMatch.validEnd`]( is now a property rather than a method.
[`ContentMatch.findWrapping`]( now returns an array of plain node types, with no attribute information (since this is no longer necessary).
The `compute` method for attributes is no longer supported.
Fragments no longer have an `offsetAt` method.
`DOMParser.schemaRules` is no longer public (use [`fromSchema`](^fromSchema) and get the resulting parser's `rules` property instead).
The DOM parser option `topStart` has been replaced by [`topMatch`](
The `DOMSerializer` methods `nodesFromSchema` and `marksFromSchema` are no longer public (construct a serializer with [`fromSchema`](^fromSchema) and read its `nodes` and `marks` properties instead).
Bug fixes
Fix issue where whitespace at node boundaries was sometimes dropped during content parsing.
Attribute default values of `undefined` are now allowed.
New features
[`contentElement`]( in parse rules may now be a function.
The new method [`ResolvedPos.marksAcross`]( can be used to find the set of marks that should be preserved after a deletion.
[Content expressions]( are now a regular language, meaning all the operators can be nested and composed as desired, and a bunch of constraints on what could appear next to what have been lifted.
The starting content match for a node type now lives in [`NodeType.contentMatch`](
Allowed marks are now specified per node, rather than in content expressions, using the [`marks`]( property on the node spec.
Node types received new methods [`allowsMarkType`](, [`allowsMarks`](, and [`allowedMarks`](, which tell you about the marks that node supports.
The [`style`]( property on parse rules may now have the form `"font-style=italic"` to only match styles that have the value after the equals sign.