* Introduce Async Standalone Server
* Add `all()` method to repository
* Introduce Cache Port into Protean
* Introduce View elements into Protean
* Add support for add_* and remove_* methods for HasMany relationships
* Enhance `Entity.to_dict()` to output fully-formed JSON
* Fix HasOne issue with updating an item
* Fix HasMany issue with updating items within UnitOfWork
* Refactor ContainerMeta class to be generic for all elements
* Introduce Makefile with useful test/development commands
* Remove `order_by` from EntityMeta options
* Validate for Repository's database meta value
* Make ValueObject's aggregate linkage optional
* Allow specifying associations with simple Class Names (instead of FQDNs)
* Refactor field class and remove unnecessary attributes (value, label)
* Validate for unique values on saving Entities
* Introduce Docker Compose for all services
* Upgrade SQLAlchemy to support >=1.4.9
* Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.13.0
* Support case-insensitive match in Elasticsearch
* Ensure compatibility from 3.7 to 3.10
* Migrate to Github Actions from Travis