Changes and Improvements can be seen on PR 44
Finally, after 3 months of work and pizza, a new release: ProtGraph 0.2.1
This version does not have any breaking changes to the previous one and mostly adds new functionalities.
- The summarizing (merging) of single amino acids in nodes into one Node is significantly faster (Factor ~20x). E.G.: Executing ProtGraph on Titin will now only need roughly ~2 minutes (instead of ~30 minutes)!
- Psycopg2 has been replaced by Psycopg3, therefore an overall performance increase using Postgres should be seen. We also set up connections to use the binary protocol for better efficiency!
- New stopping criterion for started processes in ProtGraph. We noticed, that some processes do not get destroyed after they finished. This is most probably due to some multiprocessing shenanigans in Python itself. We changed the implementation slightly in hope that zombie processes occur less often!
**New Features**:
- New CLI Option, Add no description to the statistics output csv. This reduces the statistics file size considerably (for complete UP, a reduction of ~20 GB could be noticed)
- ProtGraph now collapses parallel edges into one edge, containing information of all parallel edges. This may only happen for some proteins, however, ProtGraph now has an "edge case" for that.
- A new exporter has been added: Cassandra (Cluster)
- We now are able to calculate the number of possible peptides by variants/mutagen and conflicts, giving more insights of the large search space!
The new release of ProtGraph should shortly be availble in PIP (PyPI) and probably tomorrow on BioConda due to new dependencies!