This release is invalidated by the bug in 223a4bb96fb1d2cd0f633d8cb2ad8167a70c7a43
This release is for Palermo, second attempt, and for launch on drake and others. It runs with a profile of 50s on Air, and on drake1.
I report here a few useful launchers:
drake sandman
nohup /home/paolucci/NetLogo\ 6.0.4/ --model PROTON-OC.nlogo --setup-file experiments-xml/run-at-2000/exp-OC-baseEduEco-sandman.xml --table table-output-0.92k.csv > netlogo-v0.9-2k.log 2>&1
labss-simul 1000
nohup /opt/netlogo/6.0.4/ --model PROTON-OC.nlogo --setup-file experiments-xml/run-at-1000/exp-OC-baseEduEco-sandman.xml --table table-output-v0.9-1k.csv > netlogo-v0.9-1k.log 2>&1 &
Profiler costs: