* protosym 0.0.2 (110) oscarbenjamin
* Bump all versions (109) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (100) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (97) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (88) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (76) oscarbenjamin
* Update dependencies (75) oscarbenjamin-bot
* Update dependencies (66) oscarbenjamin-bot
* Update dependencies (64) oscarbenjamin-bot
* Test: add a bot to automate version updates (62) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (44) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (42) oscarbenjamin
* Improve dev workflow (18) oscarbenjamin
* Bump salsify/action-detect-and-tag-new-version from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3 (17) dependabot
* Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.15.0 to 5.22.0 (16) dependabot
* Restore docstring (14) oscarbenjamin
:rocket: Features
* [WIP] feat(core): use rust_protosym (50) oscarbenjamin
* Refactor differentiation, add as_function and xreplace (73) oscarbenjamin
* feat(simplecas): add sympy conversion for undefined functions (68) oscarbenjamin
* feat(simplecas): add to/from sympy matrix conversions (47) oscarbenjamin
* Add Matrix and lambdification of matrices (46) oscarbenjamin
* Add Sym as a superclass for Expr (43) oscarbenjamin
* feat: add to_llvm_ir and lambdify (39) oscarbenjamin
* feat: add generic rule handlers to Evaluator (31) oscarbenjamin
* feat: Add Transformer class and bin_expand function (30) oscarbenjamin
* simplecas: add diff with forward accumulation (29) oscarbenjamin
:beetle: Fixes
* fix(diff): fix differentiation of constant matrices (48) oscarbenjamin
:racehorse: Performance
* [WIP] feat(core): use rust_protosym (50) oscarbenjamin
* feat(simplecas): add to/from sympy matrix conversions (47) oscarbenjamin
:rotating_light: Testing
* benchmarks: Create `benchmarks` directory with example differentiation benchmarks (40) brocksam
:construction_worker: Continuous Integration
* chore: run update scripts only monthly (74) oscarbenjamin
:books: Documentation
* fix(docs): make sphinx report a failed build (70) oscarbenjamin
* docs: Add docstrings and add things to the docs (32) oscarbenjamin
:hammer: Refactoring
* Refactor differentiation, add as_function and xreplace (73) oscarbenjamin
* refactor(core): merge Tree* classes into Tree (69) oscarbenjamin
* refactor(simplecas): split simplecas into modules in a package (49) oscarbenjamin
:lipstick: Style
* types: fix type annotations for pyright (67) oscarbenjamin
:package: Dependencies
* chore(deps-dev): bump coverage from 7.2.3 to 7.2.5 (85) dependabot
* chore: run update scripts only monthly (74) oscarbenjamin
* Update dependencies (72) oscarbenjamin-bot
* Update GitHub Action Versions (71) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (65) oscarbenjamin
* Update dependencies (63) oscarbenjamin-bot
* dependencies: bump versions (61) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (51) oscarbenjamin
* maint: bump dev dependencies (41) oscarbenjamin
* Update GitHub Action Versions (28) oscarbenjamin