_Turn the spotlights on the people
Switch the dial and eat the worm
Take your chances, kill the engine
Drop your bombs and let it burn_
Enjoy the last release of Prowler v3 🤘🏽🔥 with this Iron Maiden [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr3ZdgIdmDw)!
New features to highlight in this version
💪🏼 **17 New Azure checks**
- Prowler is improving its Azure coverage by including 17 new checks that appears in the CIS Benchmark v2.0.0 and v2.1.0.
See all the new available checks with `prowler azure --list-checks`
🔒 **Azure CIS v2.0 and v2.1 coverage**
- Prowler includes coverage for two new compliance frameworks for Azure CIS, v2.0.0 and v2.1.0. You can execute these new frameworks with `prowler azure --compliance cis_2.1_azure`
🔧 **More fixes and updates for all the providers**
* feat(azure): New check related with diagnostics settings in subscriptions by Hugo966 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3539
* feat(azure): New check related with logging in Azure Key Vault by Hugo966 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3496
* feat(azure):App check related with http logs by Hugo966 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3568
* feat(entra): New 11 checks related with Microsoft Entra ID by puchy22 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3585
* feat(azure): New check related with trusted launch in vm by Hugo966 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3616
* feat(azure) New Microsoft Entra ID checks by puchy22 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3610
* feat(entra): Manage 403 error for getting user authentication methods by puchy22 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3624
* feat(azure): Check related with roles and vm access with mfa by Hugo966 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3638
* feat(compliance): Add new CIS 2.0 / 2.1 compliance framework for Azure by pedrooot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3626
* fix(metadata): change ResourceType Type for AWS Inline Policy Check by gabrielsoltz in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3599
* fix(sts): handle China STS regions by sergargar in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3613
* fix(azure): fixed check `vm_ensure_using_managed_disks` metadata by Hugo966 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3617
* fix(aws): break loop after FAIL in SQS and SNS checks by kagahd in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3618
* fix(azure): normalize tenant domain set in checks by sergargar in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3641
* fix(cis_2.0_azure): add remaining requirement with id 1.25 by pedrooot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3646
* fix(azure): add DefaultValue to Azure CIS compliance by pedrooot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3652
* docs: Update number of Azure checks by jfagoagas in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3639
* docs(azure): Add new permissions necessary from Microsoft Entra ID by puchy22 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3648
* chore(regions_update): Changes in regions for AWS services. by n4ch04 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3598, https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3609, https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3615, https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3621, https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3637, https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3647
* chore(version): update Prowler version by sergargar in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3614
* chore(apigateway): Handle NotFoundException by jfagoagas in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3623
* chore(action): Prepare containers release for v4 by jfagoagas in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3597
* chore(entra): Moving constants from checks and services to config file by puchy22 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3645
* chore(azure): Fix AKS and App tests to new format by puchy22 in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3651
* build(deps): bump trufflesecurity/trufflehog from 3.70.2 to 3.71.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3603
* build(deps): bump crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg from 4 to 6 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3604
* build(deps-dev): bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.14 to 9.5.15 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3606
* build(deps-dev): bump pytest-cov from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3607
* build(deps): bump google-api-python-client from 2.122.0 to 2.123.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3608
* build(deps): bump tj-actions/changed-files from 43 to 44 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3627
* build(deps): bump trufflesecurity/trufflehog from 3.71.0 to 3.71.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3628
* build(deps): bump google-api-python-client from 2.123.0 to 2.124.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3630
* build(deps-dev): bump mkdocs-material from 9.5.15 to 9.5.17 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3633
* build(deps-dev): bump safety from 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3632
* build(deps-dev): bump moto from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/pull/3629
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prowler-cloud/prowler/compare/3.15.3...3.16.0