* `cartopy`, and `snakebacon` have been made recommended dependencies.
* New method `records.Publication.to_citationstr()` to get quick and dirty bibliography strings.
* Add `PetmRecord` and `LgmRecord`, specialized subclasses of `NcdcRecord`. These are created with `read_lgm()` and `read_petm()`.
* `LgmRecord` instances now have several methods for age modeling with 14C.
* `LgmRecord` and `PetmRecord` records now have a `.to_netcdf()` method.
* `proxysiphon.qcreport` submodule has be refactored into `LgmRecord` and `PetmRecord` methods. This should make it easier to do quick plots (e.g. with `.plot_agedepth()`) and output more comprehensive PDF quality-control reports with `.to_qcpdf()`.
* Add `nc2lmrh5`, a function to read output proxy NetCDF files and convert them to LMR-style HDF5 proxy files.