
Latest version: v2.6

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- Digital Ocean: better error handling in case the target instance cannot be contacted.
- Digital Ocean: avoids misleading keys definition when registering an existing box.
- Uses correctly hostname as pattern during provisioning to instruct Ansible which instance to target.
- Adds hvac missing dependency used by Vault module and plugin.


- Updates dependencies to latest version for development.




- Adds script that can generate dynamically an Ansible inventory based on the instances connected to an AWS ELB.
- Adds HashiCorp Vault Ansible lookup plugin.
- Adds HashiCorp File Ansible module.
- Adds bundled task: mongodb_3.
- Updates Ngnix example and improves Monit task.
- Updates to Ansible 1.9.3.


- Changed state for UFW from 'disabled' to 'reset' to avoid old and new rules to be merged.




- Accepts now external inventory file, directory and script as alternative for the box address.
- Adds `envset` CLI action that can be used to define system environment variables.
- Disables Ansible verbose output and introduces `verbose` CLI action to explicit increase verbosity.
- Loads automatically vars/global.yml avoiding the need from now on to specify it in every playbook.
- Adds bundled tasks: sysdig, haproxy.


- Fixes Digital Ocean droplet creation.




- Enable support for multiple base images on the Vagrant provider.
- List available base images when registering Vagrant box.
- Adds bundled tasks: vsftpd, mailhog, monit.
- Upgrades vault bundled task to 0.2
- Introduces retries mechanism when asking the user to provide a valid path.


- Makes sure that Jinja2 templates do not ignore undefined variables and raise an error instead.




- Makes Nginx bundled task disable the default site.
- Shows more information about the DigitalOcean image when registering/reconfiguring a droplet.
- Allows only the newly added sudo user to not be prompted for password.
- Upgrades to Ansible 1.9.2.
- Adds bundled tasks: vault (, fail2ban, tomcat7.
- Adds an action for the simple provider to set the password used to decrypt Ansible vault files.
- Refactors main cli to properly parse input arguments.
- Accepts list of commands as arguments.
- Introduces -v (--version) argument to print current Prudentia version.
- Adds an action for the simple provider to loads extra vars from an external .yml or .json file.
- Checks if current version is the latest released one.
- Accepts input paths relative to the directory where Prudentia was started or relative to the user home directory.
- Upgrades dopy to 0.3.6 and switches to DigitalOcean API version 2 based on API token.


- Makes Nginx bundled task properly idempotent and reload the service at the end of the task.
- Fixes ElasticSearch init script.
- Makes sure variables value are set even if they contain spaces.
- Waits for async bash thread to finish.
- Fixes InsecurePlatformWarning when https connections are initiated.


- Updates Client component example.
- Moves build to new Travis container based infrastructure.
- Enables properly coverage verification and improved the coverage itself.
- Verifies support for Python 3.2+.


- Adds `decrypt` action doc.
- Adds `vars` action doc.
- Extends Usage section describing the new Commands list argument.




- Suggests automatically latest Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit image when creating DigitalOcean droplet.
- Validates setting extra variables and show existing ones when running `unset` without arguments.
- Updates examples.
- Adds bundled tasks: osquery, ufw, add sudo user, zeromq, elastic search, collectd, mongodb 2.6.
- Generalize bundled java task.
- Upgrades to a newer version of nginx using proper apt repository.
- Upgrades to SBT 0.13.8.


- Sets correctly the user that will run the webdriver manager.

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