Latest version: v0.18

Safety actively analyzes 642283 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Use fixed limit to check for valid development within collection.



- Use correct limit for development collection traverser.



- Fix manifest.
- Fix CSS.
- Remove extra colon after labels which is now added via CSS.



- Modify the TitleViewlet to create a custom title for ListingDetail views.
- Override the DublinCore viewlet to create custom metatags for ListingDetail and DevelopmentDetail views.
- Bugfix: Developments on second page of a collection (and beyond) cannot be shown.
- Bugfix: Allow print-listing view on listings within a development.
- Check for valid development listings.
- Remove Google Maps API from portal_javascripts.
- Google Maps now uses configured API key.



- Add CSS classes to listing summary fields.
- Only show development detail page if development is available in collection.
- Show interior area and living area in listing summary, if available.



- Fix canonical links for development detail pages to point to themselves rather than the development collection.

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