
Latest version: v1.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Use PersistentTile as base for Mosaic tiles.
- Add option for Grid Layout to listing tiles.



- Fix wrong usage of FIELDS.
- Truncate description for listings in summaries with global configuration.



- Use SelectWidget with pat-select2 for Plone 5.
- Hide all location fields in search form tile when one option in linked search form is pre-selected.
- Add listing search results tile for Mosaic.



- Add new base tiles which are independent of collective.cover.
- Move collective.cover related tiles to new support package.
- Add specific tiles for listings and developments.
- Add GS profiles for Plone 4 and Plone 5.
- Install cover/mosaic support when addons are installed with GS event.
- Add missing browser layer.



- Add missing upgrade step to add development collection tile to existing sites.

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