
Latest version: v1.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

- [api] Add ignore_preview option to `PSDImage.composite`.
- [composite] Improve stroke effect composition for vector masks.
- [composite] Avoid crash when there is an erroneous subpath.
- [composite] Workaround possible divide-by-zero warn in stroke composition.
- [composite] Fix incorrect pattern transparency handling.
- [composite] Fix ignored effects in direct group composition.
- [composite] Fix incorrect opacity handling for clip layers.


Not secure

- [compression] Security fix, affected versions are 1.8.37 - 1.9.3.


Not secure

- [composite] Fix memory corruption crash for pattern data in PSB files.
- [psd] Add image data pretty printing.


Not secure

- [psd] Add missing resource ID.
- [psd] Fix pretty printing regression.
- [psd] Fix big tag key for linked layers.
- [psd] Support frgb tag.
- [psd] Support sgrp metadata key.
- [psd] Support patt tag.
- [psd] Workaround unknown engine data.


Not secure

- [psd] Minor bugfix.


Not secure

- [composite] Implement NumPy-based compositing functionality.
- [composite] Support blending modes other than dissolve.
- [composite] Support blending in RGB, CMYK, Grayscale.
- [api] Introduce NumPy array export method.
- [api] Drop deprecated methods from v1.7.x such as `as_PIL`.
- [api] Deprecate `compose` method.
- [compression] Rename packbits to rle.
- [compression] Improve RLE decode efficiency.
- [tests] Additional compositing tests.

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