
Latest version: v3.4.0

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matplotlib 3.1.1 removed mlab, which required updating cmaq bcon_profile and icon_profile readers.


Patch that provides fixes necessary for xarray.


This version supports a file-based, method-oriented interface. This is a major advance in terms of usability and teachability.

pncopen - is the primary way to access files of any format and returns a PseudoNetCDFFile
PseudoNetCDFFiles have methods for modifying dimensions, converting between lon/lat and projections, access to map objections, time objects, and even plotting interfaces.

The plotting interfaces are convenience wrappers to matplotlib.

The command-line interfaces (e.g., pncdump, pncgen, and pncload) are still available and driven by separate functions. Over time, the functionality will be replaced by the methods with no change in functionality.


PseudoNetCDF now has method-based access to files, Travis-CI integration checks. The methods still need testing by users, and some updates are expected.

This is the version of PseudoNetCDF that was used at the 2016-06-29 GEOS-Chem and Python workshop held at Harvard.

Notably, this version has been tested for compatibility on Windows, Mac, and Linux for GEOS-Chem functionality used in the workshop.


This release point is intended to archive a pre-python3 compliant version. The master branch may be buggy while version 3 is actively being developed.

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