
Latest version: v1.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Updated documentation
- Added data access request to issue template


- Updated documentation
- Updated progress bar behavior


- Updated documentation
- Standardized configuration key names
- Updated to account for changes to simulated population data schema


- Update documentation (landing page, datasets section, quickstart)
- Update zipcode miswriting function to act on each digit independently
- Modify config key names
- Update sample datsets to include all GQ types
- Scale household survey data to account for oversampling
- Implement user config value validation
- Change the term "Form" to "Dataset" throughout
- Update the default config values
- Change "american_communities_survey" to "american_community_survey"
- Implement config interface and get_config function
- Add a github issues template


- Formatting of noised dates implemented
- Moved from pd.NA to np.nan
- Added validation of user-supplied configuration
- Changed 'row_noise_level' to 'probability'
- Improved logging and added a noising progress bar
- Set default logging level to 'INFO', configurable with 'verbose' flag


- Bugfix to apply incorrect selection noising at the expected probability
- Implement the omission noise function
- Implement schema for output columns and their dtypes
- Implement a year filter to the form generation functions
- Support a path to data root directory as form generation function argument
- Update documentation

**0.4.0 - 04/11/23**

- Generate default configuration instead of maintaining a static file
- Read sample data if no data argument is provided
- Update sample datasets

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