
Latest version: v3.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
- Drop support for all services, including the psiturk Secure Ad Server, api keys, and the experiment-exchange
- moved the experiment exchange [into the docs]( See [here]( for how to contribute a project to the new exchange.
- Drop support for python2 -- only python > 3.6 is supported.
- upgrade boto to boto3, as boto dropped support for python2.
- upgrade cmd2 to 0.9 (only supports python3)
- a jinja "layout" is used for many of the bundled experiment pages, making general changes to standard pages easier
- `def regularpage` in no longer calls flask's `render_template` -- instead, it sends the
file as-is. If you need a custom template to be rendered, then create a route for your template in ``, and
call `render_template()` on it yourself.
- psiturk.js `preloadPages()` now returns a `Promise`. See the [migration guide]( for links to
examples of using the new approach.
- psiturk exception `InvalidUsage` changed to `InvalidUsageError`. Breaks
`` files generated under psiturk v2.
- moved `psiturk.db.Base` class to `psiturk.models` file

Configuration files
- the configuration file created by running `psiturk-setup-example`
now comments out default settings by prepending `;` -- this makes it
so that environment variables can override defaults not specified
in config.txt. See [the configuration overview page in the documentation]( for more information.
- changed the default tablename to be `assignments` instead of `turkdemo`
- changed the `amt_keywords` key to be just `keywords`
- moved `contact_email_on_error`, `browser_exclude_rule`, `cutoff_time`, and `allow_repeats` under the `Task Parameters` section.
- Renamed `launch_in_sandbox` (True, False) to be `launch_in_mode` (Sandbox, Live)

- add ability to customize participant condition assignment. (see 309a623)
- if a commonly-forgotten required template is missing when not using the psiturk ad server, raise an exception

- add a dashboard and the beginnings of a sort-of REST API that the dashboard uses.
See the [dashboard configuration overview in the documentation]( The dashboard currently includes features such as the following:
- view all participants by condition and status
- launch "campaigns," which registers a scheduled event to keep posting rounds of HITs with 9
assignments each until a campaign goal is met
- enable a "auto approve all participants" scheduled event
- tasks only run if `do_scheduler` is `True`, see [the tasks setting](

- added a task-runner setting, which wh


Not secure
- avoid owasp ad post block
- set content-type application/json on post
- remove all comments from example ad.html


Not secure
- fix unable to do non-aws things on without aws credentials (427)


Not secure
-- patch pass bonus amount as shell arg


Not secure
- fix extend hit (421)


Not secure
- specified `setproctitle` in requirements.txt, to fix "server blocked" status message. Necessary for gunicorn < 20.0,
but gunicorn >=20.0 requires python3

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