
Latest version: v3.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Add support for PSLab v6.

All changes are backward compatible with v5.


This is a fixup release hiding the IPC debug window again.

:ship: :truck: :package:


This release fixes the file import issue from the previous one and upgrades to Electron 10.

New features

- Auto Recapture and Capture Time slider for the Logic Analyzer

:ship: :truck: :package:


**EDIT/NOTE: This release is broken due to issues only visible in release builds; please use the latest version instead.**

This release mainly fixes bugs and paves the way for migrating to a more recent Electron version.

:ship: :truck: :package:


This release introduces support for the 2.x series of the [Python library]( 🐍


This is a pre-release containing some fixes and features exclusive to the in-development v6 hardware.

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