
Latest version: v2.0.0

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- Title Trophies now include Title ID for convenience
- Updated the dependencies
- Updated the documentation looks


Bug fixes and improvement regarding title stats and trophy pagination.


- Added title_stats() method in client and user to retrieve a list of titles with their stats (play times). Thanks to omz1990
- Fixed the auth bug. Thanks to kerdion


Added the long-awaited and highly requested Trophy Support features.

Now, the API lets you get your and someone else's trophy. The API also supports checking what trophy a game has as long as you can provide `np_communication_id`.

You can get `np_communication_id` from the account id of a user who has played the game already.

The API also supports being able to check the trophy earned status along with its metadata for the sake of convenience.

In the next few months, I will focus on improving the documentation, so there might not be new feature addition.


- Removed the client side checking of psnid since it was cause some trouble
- Added str and repr for Group


Fixed the broken endpoint for profile_url

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