
Latest version: v0.3.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Dropped support for Python 3.7
* Tested with Python 3.12
* Added `psrpcore.types.deserialize_clixml` and `psrpcore.types.serialize_clixml`
* These methods can deserialize and serialize CLIXML strings directly
* Removed invalid `` entries `ps_data_packet` and `ps_guid_packet` as they were never defined
* Add `psrpcore.types.InformationRecord.create` class method to more easily create information records
* **BREAKING CHANGE** - Changed signature of `psrpcore.types.PSCryptoProvider`
* No longer an abstract base class, methods default to raising `NotImplementedError`
* Removed the `register_key` function as it has no relation to serialization work
* Changed the `encrypt` and `decrypt` methods to work with the raw XML element text instead of bytes
* These changes are needed to support different serialization mechanisms used by PowerShell
* Unless you were using `psrpcore.types.serialize` and `psrpcore.types.deserialize` directly this should not affect you


* Fix up Python 3.11.2 flag enum issues when doing bit operations like `|` and `&`


+ Fix up DateTime serialization
+ DateTimes with no timezone specified will be of the `Unspecified` kind and vice versa
+ DateTimes with the UTC timezone specified will be of the `Utc` kind and vice versa
+ DateTimes with a custom timezone specified will be one of the `Local` kind and deserialized with the time zone specified
+ A change in behaviour is that originally a Python datetime with no timezone became a `Utc` kind DateTime, not it will be `Unspecified


+ Bump minimum Python version to 3.7 and fix Python 3.11 enum issues


+ Fix serialization of strings that include half surrogate pair `[char]` values


+ Do not use references for lists and dict types when serializing

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