
Latest version: v0.8.9

Safety actively analyzes 688578 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* fix: pin to older version of semantic release ([`d30bd9b`](

* fix: use prerelease of semantic release to avoid bug ([`9eeb0b3`](

* fix: use built-in gh token ([`e37d984`](


* 0.0.2

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`c797d89`](



* chore: reset version again ([`605e0c0`](

* chore: upgrade dash to latest ([`0136cdd`](

* chore: update dependencies ([`ae383d8`](

* chore: remove gescheider test for now ([`02dceb5`](

* chore: add luarc.json to gitignore ([`6a9af46`](

* chore: minor file cleanup ([`7326fb5`](

* chore: remove files from dashboard folder ([`55dc7f2`](

* chore: remove unused model ([`8d6c1f0`](

* chore: remove unused model ([`d3173e3`](

* chore: tidy dbt models ([`757f748`](

* chore: more default vscode extensions ([`e4bb13d`](

* chore: remove commented callback ([`7f6ad6c`](

* chore: remove commented tests ([`d01bfa5`](

* chore: upgrade python ([`3ead6c2`](

* chore: ignore duckdb file ([`4b8ad23`](

* chore: install node to devcontainer ([`4941cae`](

* chore: update pandas-stubs ([`1122a87`](

* chore: update deps ([`699c1f7`](

* chore: pull CNAME from GH Pages ([`30613fc`](

* chore: remove readthedocs config ([`3d7cc66`](

* chore: deploy docs in gh actions ([`e3aa41a`](

* chore: remove docs action ([`9f66f49`](

* chore: remove act; doesnt work ([`6e1025e`](

* chore: add act to devcontainer ([`47d1bc3`](

* chore: update dependencies ([`07231aa`](


* ci: sem release settings major on zero and upload to repository ([`3138974`](

* ci: add python-semantic-release to dev deps for command line purposes ([`4bb3bd5`](

* ci: use semantic release ([`aada017`](

* ci: use 3rd-party action to publish package ([`73c0545`](

* ci: add build flag to poetry publish command ([`7ec092e`](

* ci: add action to publish to pypi using poetry ([`5f5a761`](

* ci: add generic pre commit hooks ([`417eee6`](

* ci: add semver release GH action ([`ccc6630`](

* ci: add semver release GH action ([`e1a1c03`](

* ci: add exception to ci config ([`7507118`](

* ci: try different date format for safety exception expiration ([`54a61e1`](

* ci: add safety exception for pinned package ([`102e7f0`](

* ci: remove kaleido due to packaging error on install ([`b4c1c79`](

* ci: test pytest pre-commit hook ([`65cb0c0`](

* ci: ignore sklearn types for mypi ([`ff0afc4`](

* ci: remove old test ([`3ce0fd7`](

* ci: move dashboard component to dashboard folder ([`926cd0c`](

* ci: add ruff to ci deps ([`adfabae`](

* ci: run mkdocs gh-deploy with --no-history arg ([`d34b8ba`](

* ci: use ruff instead of flake8 to lint ([`52497d3`](

* ci: build docs using GH actions ([`491693a`](


* docs: add getting started section to docs index ([`694ec18`](

* docs: fix docs link on dash ([`3cff7b1`](

* docs: add note on why mamba is included ([`f9c4e5b`](


* feat: initialize version to 0 for sem release ([`7e780d8`](

* feat: pymc basic logistic regression ([`423e280`](

* feat: test initial semver release ([`73ec2be`](

* feat: testing semantic release ([`1b3dcf1`](

* feat: start wireframe for historical data in dash ([`e9ca2cd`](

* feat: move upload & data selector to main app ([`42d4bf3`](

* feat: add guess rate and lapse rate to controls ([`f791088`](

* feat: adjust range using slope param ([`ab3a313`](

* feat: use n levels instead of x window ([`4b6fbfd`](

* feat: add time dimensions ([`6af0f64`](

* feat: use box plot for sd plot ([`1de9a75`](

* feat: strength duration plot ([`5719e92`](

* feat: longitudinal plot ([`34cdb0b`](

* feat: add x_0 ([`0cb287b`](

* feat: turn psi plots into box plots ([`d46f7f2`](

* feat: display ecdf of curve fits ([`c3ef049`](

* feat: add 2 blocks ([`d0d5a00`](

* feat: manually calculate logistic function for variable params ([`a956435`](

* feat: add model param input ([`04437dc`](

* feat: add posterior prediction ([`fe93e14`](

* feat: show model prior predictions ([`e512da9`](

* feat: add blocks input to dash ([`99ce051`](

* feat: install sqlformat package for dbt-vscode ([`63f681f`](

* feat: add range adjusters ([`e4498bb`](

* feat: use expit ([`be3d8ae`](

* feat: split data into trials + points ([`3d7a7ae`](

* feat: simulate multiple intensities ([`d2e6bb2`](

* feat: psychometric function animation ([`fa196c6`](

* feat: add some equations ([`c1828a7`](

* feat: ([`7820246`](


* fix: read gh secret into ci env, reset version to 0 ([`10396aa`](

* fix: reset version to 0 again ([`186b473`](

* fix: added GH_Token, testing tag release ([`f3ddbe7`](

* fix: deleted remote tags, retry ([`a897d49`](

* fix: git config for ci ([`d0f6a8e`](

* fix: manual python command instead of 3rd party action ([`74d2780`](

* fix: delete remote tags and retry ([`ff333e5`](

* fix: use pipx to install poetry in build command, retry release ([`94406fe`](

* fix: deleted remote tags, resetting again ([`75494b5`](

* fix: reset changelog, testing patch bump ([`cf4d7ba`](

* fix: reset version again ([`8d65c24`](

* fix: ci build command ([`c0bd6c0`](

* fix: merge upstream ([`1c0faae`](

* fix: test sem release ([`8157a9c`](

* fix: test patch update ([`5721ecb`](

* fix: dbt refs ([`39d7b97`](

* fix: dbt config ([`d21b3c9`](

* fix: rearrange & relabel dash ([`3042b36`](

* fix: switch to line plot ([`521d4fa`](

* fix: margin placement ([`613d7d6`](

* fix: cosmetic ([`6ebcecd`](

* fix: use appropriate types for ranges ([`5c8ad22`](

* fix: type errors ([`62d68e4`](

* fix: reorder dash ([`e2e2e7c`](

* fix: remove blocks input ([`a8ecdd7`](

* fix: set sd-plot color param to subject ([`8712e4b`](

* fix: k plot template ([`a08004d`](

* fix: points and trials labels/varnames ([`eefa02d`](

* fix: dashboard ([`469f091`](

* fix: remove another old test ([`e94b811`](

* fix: dashboard ([`7a1024d`](

* fix: tests ([`9e5918d`](

* fix: add dt to integral ([`9d26b7f`](

* fix: try export requirements in new step ([`fa6dd48`](

* fix: correct python version; metadata tweaks ([`dc2fc72`](

* fix: typo ([`d78a5bc`](

* fix: specify python version for docs Action ([`84f0541`](

* fix: revert requirements setting to requirements.txt ([`95d1a4d`](

* fix: export requirements.txt w/poetry for docs deploy ([`c3ffbc3`](

* fix: try pyproject.toml for action requirements ([`3502640`](

* fix: remove breaking page in dashboard ([`7491ace`](


* refactor: unnest tabs ([`5827929`](

* refactor: unnest components ([`4914c25`](

* refactor: rest of simulation param components ([`9ecdf1c`](

* refactor: experiment params components ([`4c55dc5`](

* refactor: move sub pages to main app ([`c417ca9`](

* refactor: use dict for fixed_range ([`9cead16`](

* refactor: pass model params in dict ([`e1e41ee`](

* refactor: send nested concats out to their respective modules ([`139d5ae`](

* refactor: remove extra column index level ([`4544360`](

* refactor: clean up nested looping ([`72863ee`](

* refactor: now thats what i call hierarchy ([`aff1723`](

* refactor: keep breaking down hierarchy ([`b7dec69`](

* refactor: move make_predictions subject level fn ([`bb511c2`](

* refactor: start condensing hierarchy ([`be57b64`](

* refactor: move get_fit to pa.blocks ([`8e079ef`](

* refactor: start moving functions to block module ([`35477db`](

* refactor: move pre-commit install to config ([`ad0ec87`](

* refactor: move poetry virtualenvs config to poetry.toml ([`c372e40`](

* refactor: start building points history table ([`964ffdc`](

* refactor: simple schemas ([`d712d29`](

* refactor: simple points ([`f090bbe`](

* refactor: explicitly pass args to fig1 generator ([`f13740b`](

* refactor: separate data from layout for dash page ([`25d60c6`](


* style: shorten &34;documentation&34; to &34;docs&34; ([`c40fdf2`](


* test: remove hard-coded test for package version ([`5a2b2f5`](

* test: rename both labels ([`5bd8685`](

* test: relabel y axis ([`1ae7782`](

* test: start tests from gescheider book ([`174ec58`](

* test: delete old test ([`914e9aa`](


* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`06921a0`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`39ba921`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`d0c489f`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`fb3cfa3`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`79ef258`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`bbf964d`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`77437a0`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`1a3fe6f`](

* build: use global python install for build command ([`1b2b711`](

* 0.0.1

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`634b9d2`](

* build: merge upstream ([`05bfa75`](

* 0.1.0

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`044e7e1`](

* 0.1.0

Automatically generated by python-semantic-release ([`139bdf0`](

* build: add semantic release to pyproject.toml ([`884c516`](

* build: manually change version in ([`6b246be`](

* build: add conda path to devcontainer config ([`673b577`](

* build: integrate conda for pymc ([`eef75af`](

* build: strength duration dbt model ([`09d0928`](

* build: add ruff to devcontainer ([`433803c`](

* build: prune models ([`eab2d04`](

* build: add copilot to devcontainer ([`5b15794`](

* build: add gunicorn to deps ([`d0469dd`](

* build: dbt config ([`4249173`](

* Create CNAME ([`c91933c`](

* build: adbt models for long. thresh. plot ([`7143ad5`](

* build: stage sessions table ([`874373b`](

* build: conventional pre-commits ([`9c11811`](

* add exposure for longitudinal threshold plot ([`2ec5e6a`](

* initialize project-level dbt docs ([`69ad714`](

* configure dbt-duckdb ([`bbe0ce9`](

* use yml instead of yaml suffix ([`27172eb`](

* remove secondary navbar ([`2e5d90f`](

* remove badges from docs ([`3d15a4b`](

* change subtitle in docs ([`556b7ba`](

* redo subtitle ([`0c9c383`](

* clean up presentation ([`58a8bab`](

* merge upstream ([`b6a8600`](

* initial dbt config ([`9d944d7`](

* update dependencies ([`5209163`](

* add simulate module ([`40da180`](

* update docs ([`634ec35`](

* update devcontainer settings ([`25c0da8`](

* move notebooks ([`9a6d8bd`](

* update lockfile ([`b970d6f`](

* replace flake8 with ruff ([`eac5d43`](

* spruce up simulation tab, move sim from upload page ([`74328e5`](

* count hit rate & gen data table ([`9deea99`](

* add n trial caluclation method ([`64bcbac`](

* update link to prod app ([`839ced0`](

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