
Latest version: v1.5.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Changelog

* When creating new plots using the ``psyplot.project.Project.plot`` attribute,
``scp`` for the newly created subproject is only called when the
corresponding ``Project`` is the current main project (``gcp(True)``)
* The ``alternate_paths`` keyword in the ``psyplot.project.Project.save_project``
and ```` methods has been changed to
* The ``psyplot.project.Cdo`` class does not accept any of the keywords
``returnDA, returnMaps`` or ``returnLine`` anymore. Instead it takes
the ``plot_method`` keyword and several others.
* The ``psyplot.project.close`` method by default now removes the data from
the current project and closes attached datasets
* The modules in the psyplot.plotter modules have been moved to separate
packages to make the debugging and testing easier

- The psyplot.plotter.simple, baseplotter and colors modules have been moved
to the psy-simple package
- The psyplot.plotter.maps and boxes modules have been moved to the psy-maps
- The psyplot.plotter.linreg module has been moved to the psy-fit package
* The endings of the yaml configuration files are now all *.yml*. Hence,

- the configuration file name is now *psyplotrc.yml* instead of
- the default logging configuration file name is now *logging.yml* instead
of *logging.yaml*
* Under osx, the configuration directory is now also expected to be in
``$HOME/.config/psyplot`` (as it is for linux)



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