PowerShell changes
The JSON returned by the `REST` server was completely missing the `Status`
object, this is now fixed. Additionally, that object now also contains a
`Timestamp` property to report (in seconds since the epoch, a.k.a. *Unix time*)
when the response has been generated.
* The constructor of `psytricks.wrapper.ResTricksWrapper` is now doing a
connection check to the defined server upon instantiation.
* In addition it was extended by an optional argument `verify` (defaulting to
`True`) for requesting the server version to be verified against the client
* If `verify` is set to `True` exceptions will be raised in case the connection
check fails or if a version mismatch is detected.
* In case the core HTTP request (`GET` or `POST`) fails in any of the wrapper
methods, the corresponding exception is now re-raised to make this visible to
the calling code. Previously only log messages were generated and the
exceptions had been silenced explicitly.
* Each HTTP response is now expected to contain a JSON payload. In case the HTTP
status code is indicating an issue, the `Status` attributes of the returned
JSON are printed to the log to facilitate debugging.
* The `psytricks.wrapper.ResTricksWrapper.perform_poweraction` method now
returns the details on the power action status of the given machine.
* Citrix status values and PowerShell timestamps are now properly mapped also in
`psytricks.wrapper.ResTricksWrapper` methods. Previously this had been the
case in `psytricks.wrapper.PSyTricksWrapper` methods only.