
Latest version: v0.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Added html5 file api support in FileField

- alembic 0.2.x

- twitter bootstrap 2.0

- CKEditor (instead of tinymce)




- Added `ptah.enable_modules` setting, list of enabled
management modules.

- Require alembic 0.1.1

Bug fixes

- Encode `content-type` header for blob `data` rest action

- Do not use `request` for application factories in
`applications` rest action. It brakes security for current root object.


Not secure

- JQuery 1.7.1

Bug fixes

- Check migration version information only if sqla
has been configured.

- Run ptah.shutdown() before exit from process.


Not secure


- Added ``voc_factory`` attribute to ``VocabularyField``

Bug fixes

- Stop process if current revisions are
different from head revisions.

- Execute ``POPULATE_DB_SCHEMA`` populate step
instead of all populate steps during migration.


Not secure


- Added data migration subsystem. It is documented
in the "Data migration" chapter.

- Added data population subsystem. It is documented
in the "Data population" chapter.

- Added a ``ptah-migrate`` script. It is documented
in the "Command-Line utilities" chapter.

- Added a ``ptah-populate`` script. It is documented
in the "Command-Line utilities" chapter.

- Added a ``default_roles`` setting. It defines
list of roles for principal.

- Its possible to start ptah without database.

- Added json dict column ``ptah_nodes.annotations``.

- Removed `ptah_content` table columns,
`view`, `creators`, `subjects`, `publisher`, `contributors`.

Bug Fixes

- MySQL Compatibility 116


Not secure


- Added python2.6 support.

- Added a ``ptah-manage`` script. It is documented
in the "Command-Line utilities" chapter.

- Fixed mail template generation on python3

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