- `from_pubnet` method.
- Ability to select graph components with edge wildcard.
- Mutate node methods to create new nodes from existing nodes.
- Sanitize methods.
- Index repacking methods.
- Language model methods.
- Overwrite option to `from_pubmed`.
- To pandas method for nodes.
- Align sizes in PubNet representation.
- Don't error if expected node file is missing, instead create empty node.
- Ensure all nodes have name and ID.
- Add methods for getting and setting various names associated with a node.
- Default date field in pubmed XML.
- Create publication indices instead of using PMIDs.
- Make slicing (used for indexing) recursive so entire network is filter if there is a path between the root type and an edge as opposed to only filtering edges that are directly connected to the root node type.
- In pubmed networks, add a node for group keys even though they are only an index. This ensures the group key's edges have a node table to re_index against.
- When slicing a network, only slice edges that are connected to the network's root.
- Handle nodes with no edges after PubNet indexing (return empty node set).
- Order of the last edges when printing was backward.
- Missing names in call to `from_data` in `add_edge`.
- Handle empty edges when calculating overlap.
- Typo in pubmed path for Grant IDs.
- Protect against overwriting graphs when creating graphs from pubmed.
- Prevent duplicate edges when creating pubmed graphs.