New Features:
Actions and Functions now operate and write multiple-valued fields.
A bunch of new Functions, see the [Functions](functions.html) page for a listing.
Two new scripting functions copied straight from Mp3tag, $meta_sep and $meta.
A new icon. This one designed by Yianni Pappas-Acreman.
A new Tag Tools menu, with which you can remove ID3 and APEv2 tags from files where they don't belong.
Configurable confirmations. Like when you want to Rename Directories, etc.
A __dirname field. Modify this field to rename the directory.
UFID frames for ID3v2 Tags.
Monkey's Audio File's are now supported.
The Actions and Functions dialogs can now be tool windows too (See Windows Menu).
All documentation has been updated.
If it was broken before, it probably works now.
The one major fix is that you can load files with messed up encodings now, instead of having puddletag choke on them.
Files that have previews now have a green background while in Preview Mode (Configurable in Edit->Preferences).
The configuration for the MusicBrainz Tag Source has been removed. Instead I've opted to return MusicBrainz fields (Album ID, Artist ID, Track ID) by default in mbrainz_track_id, mbrainz_album_id and mbrainz_artist_id. I've also set up default mappings, so that these fields are written to the correct field for each format. Remove ~/.puddletag/mappings to get these.