
Latest version: v0.22.1

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- Stopped collection sync from failing if a namespace's avatar url was unreachable.
- Fixed a sporadic sync error when re-syncing a repository with new collection versions.




- Fixed updated namespacemetadata in x-repo search indexing.




- Fixed several bugs in the galaxy v2 API related to generating URLs for various collection resources.
- Increase collectionversion search index build speeds.




- Reduce fetched fields in cv list endpoint to prevent oomkill.
- Fix traceback when publishing a collection to the v2 API endpoint




- Added Namespace metadata content model and Galaxy endpoints v3/namespaces/ & [v3/plugin/ansible/content/<base_path>/namespaces/]{.title-ref}.

Added ability to sync Namespaces during Collection syncs.

- Add a cross repository collection version index for fast searching and filtering.

- Added "total" count on "sync.parsing.metadata" progress report.

- Added Role Based Access Control.
New default roles (creator, owner, viewer) have been added for `AnsibleRepository`, `AnsibleDistribution`,
`CollectionRemote`, `RoleRemote`, and `GitRemote`.
New detail role management endpoints (`my_permissions`, `list_roles`, `add_role`,
`remove_role`) have been added to `AnsibleRepository`, `AnsibleDistribution`, `CollectionRemote`,
`GitRemote`, and `RoleRemote`.

- Add CollectionVersionMark as a content

- Added `last_sync_task` field to `CollectionRemote` and `AnsibleRepository`.
Added filtering by `url` in `CollectionRemote`.

- Created POST `{repo_href}/copy_collection_version/` and POST
`{repo_href}/copy_collection_version/` API endpoints which
allow for copying and moving collections between repos.


- GitRemotes can now be attached to an AnsibleRepository.
- Fixed a 500 server error in the `repositories/ansible/ansible/{repository_pk}/versions/{number}/rebuild_metadata/` endpoint.
- Pinned the dependency upper bound on setuptools to <66.2.0. Newer versions introduce stricter
PEP-440 parsing.
- Fixed duplicate operationIDs in Galaxy V1 & V2 API endpoint schemas.
- Fix exclude list when syncing from galaxy_ng.
- Fixed broken sync form servers without signatures or marks.
- Fix 404 on collection detail routing for collections with a name of "collections".
- Pre-release collection versions should only be higher than stable releases when none exist.
- Selectively delete indexes for content no longer in the repo.

Improved Documentation

- Fixed linebreak issues in remote workflow cli examples.


- [1349](https://github.com/pulp/pulp_ansible/issues/1349)




- Fixed import failing to associate signatures and marks with their collection version.


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