
Latest version: v8.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* bd304a49b Add Secret tests for Go, Nodejs, and YAML. Disable YAML test
* 90fa66aab Add TransformOutputs func to set aggregate-label fields to Secret.
* 9c8976cda Add tests:
* 550c5f3ce Assert that schema.json does not contain bad labels
* 19933feb1 Correct nested TF labels
* aef6b80d4 Ensure CI runs PreviewOnly upgrade tests (1303)
* 44c9826e8 Fix name translations and style
* 32a0b70b6 Fix permanent diff on Pulumi Labels via state transform function
* a2943fbc3 Fix permanent diff on Pulumi Labels via state transform function (1315)
* f6b1fa779 Fix up bucket-go test for v7. Remove extraneous go* files in test folder.
* d4f7b377c Fixup provider tests (1302)
* 477d4a286 Initial matrix test for labels
* 337970f66 Override tags
* 74c614915 Rebase with adjusted set of patches
* 67615ce27 Remove Serviceaccount from upgrade tests as it's a breaking change for v7
* 2de317675 Remove deprecated resources and aliases
* 202f868e1 Remove security policy patch as no longer necessary. Addresses 1189.
* 8013d010f Remove unused function
* 28c190604 Rename serviceAccount to serviceaccount (1305)
* 4c0de5655 Resolve conflict in bigquery patch.
* 73c1529a4 Set new major version
* ab4ff6e3d Set secrets via schema instead
* c80a87556 Test fixLabelNames
* 5388e2555 Unsecret Outputs for Labels tests
* a1c77e24e Update GitHub Actions workflows. (1326)
* bd3a8933d Update to bridge at commit ed35c1e07ed1. Re-add Go build tags to Go test file. Set XSkipDetailedDiffForChanges to true
* 4178317d7 Upgrade terraform provider google beta to v5.0.0 (1238)
* 6574b48ed Validate No Replacements for providertest. Upgrade providertest to v0.3.
* 1acd74fed fixed test name to not clash
* 8e54fbf22 fixed test name to not clash (1325)
* d281b724f make build_sdks
* 055070359 make tfgen
* 64618ed3e make tfgen and make build_sdks
* 50ea4605a make tfgen and sdks
* f9913dc39 test-configurations


* e0a4310c2 Adjust RouterNat auto-naming to lowercase (1299)
* c7b0d6626 Refine auto-naming for a few HTTP-based resources (1235)
* 555e8544e Switch default runtime of CallbackFunction to nodejs18 (1262)
* 9add3aacd Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.61.0 (1256)
* 8888b2d72 Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.63.0 (1286)
* cd4934617 Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.63.1 (1287)
* c0e916ee8 Upgrade pulumi-terraform-bridge to v3.63.2 (1298)


* d8dcb93b5 Add project_name for goreleaser (1216)
* 5c40fc0c6 Update GitHub Actions workflows. (1211)
* 58e88e19e Update GitHub Actions workflows. (1219)
* 3690e001f Upgrade terraform-provider-google-beta to v4.84.0 (1220)


* f094de7bf Update GitHub Actions workflows. (1203)
* 59231526e Update GitHub Actions workflows. (1205)
* e007eb540 Upgrade terraform-provider-google-beta to v4.82.0 (1207)


* e3b3e239e Fix failing test, update go.mod
* ba1f5cd83 Patch Cloud SQL Database Instance to refresh settings.version
* 30160471d Patch Cloud SQL Database Instance to refresh settings.version (1184)
* b900769ba Update GitHub Actions workflows. (1202)
* 58a53addc Upgrade pulumi terraform bridge to v3.59.0 (1198)


* 7727ca6bc make build_sdks
* 8716dbf32 make tfgen

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