This update includes several changes to core `pulumi/pulumi` constructs that will not play nicely
in side-by-side applications that pull in prior versions of this package. As such, we are rev'ing
the minor version of the package from 0.16 to 0.17. Recent version of `pulumi` will now detect,
and warn, if different versions of `pulumi/pulumi` are loaded into the same application. If you
encounter this warning, it is recommended you move to versions of the `pulumi/...` packages that
are compatible. i.e. keep everything on 0.16.x until you are ready to move everything to 0.17.x.
- `Output<T>` now 'lifts' property members from the value it wraps, simplifying common coding patterns.
For example:
interface Widget { text: string, x: number, y: number };
var v: Output<Widget>;
var widgetX = v.x;
// `widgetX` has the type Output<number>.
// This is equivalent to writing `v.apply(w => w.x)`
Note: this 'lifting' only occurs for POJO values. It does not happen for `Output<Resource>`s.
Similarly, this only happens for properties. Functions are not lifted.
- Depending on a **Component** Resource will now depend on all other Resources parented by that
Resource. This will help out the programming model for Component Resources as your consumers can
just depend on a Component and have that automatically depend on all the child Resources created
by that Component. Note: this does not apply to a **Custom** resource. Depending on a
CustomResource will still only wait on that single resource being created, not any other Resources
that consider that CustomResource to be a parent.