
Latest version: v0.5.0

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- [x] update README, extend description, add references


- [x] add ability to define an edge parameterization using a cubic spline to interpolate points (thanks, Zack!)
- [x] add edge splitting
- [x] add transformation diary to `Edge` class
- [x] add global stiffness and mass matrices to `solver` class
- [x] add option to turn off axes in plots
- [x] add colormap option to contour plot methods
- [x] add trigonometric interpolation for cell boundary traces


- [x] add space-filling curve example (thanks, Zack!)
- [x] add `ex1e` to demonstrate heavy sampling of edges via edge splitting


- [x] make colorbar optional for `GlobalFunctionPlot` draw method
- [x] make coefficients optional in `GlobalFunctionPlot` init method
- [x] add warning for `Quad` class when `n > 128 * interp`
- [x] use kwargs for plotting options
- [x] add `PiecewisePolynomial` class to init file
- [x] create `QuadDict` object to standardize quadrature collections


- [x] add test for trigonometric interpolation

Bug Fixes

- [x] close figure in `draw` methods for plotting classes
- [x] fix `show_plot=False` option not working in `draw` methods for plotting classes
- [x] make directory to save plots if it doesn't exist
- [x] fix `LocalFunctionPlot` saving blank files
- [x] fix Martensen quadrature for large values of n
- [x] raise exception when Nystrom solver encounters non-numeric values



- [x] add `TracePlot` class
- [x] add `MeshPlot` class
- [x] add `GlobalFunctionPlot` class
- [x] add `LocalFunctionPlot` class
- [x] add `get_quad_dict()` function
- [x] make `edgespaces` an optional parameter in `LocalFunctionSpace` init method


- [x] `examples/ex1d-hat-tile.ipynb`: add example of hat tile local basis functions


- [x] deprecate `unittest` in favor of `pytest`
- [x] add `test_edge_space`
- [x] add `test_solver`


- [x] use enumerate to replace `range(len(...))` loops
- [x] rectify nested min/max statements
- [x] `locfun.locfunsp`: make interior value calculation optional
- [x] use `functools.partial` to pass logarithmic terms to integrators
- [x] `locfun.poly.poly`: use list of tuples for polynomial initialization
- [x] clean up integration methods
- [x] add safety check to `add_edge()` method in `PlanarMesh`
- [x] `mesh.edgelib.teardrop`: pass `alpha` as keyword argument
- [x] `solver.solver`:
- [x] move color printing to separate module
- [x] move plotting functions to separate module
- [x] add init file for `util` subpackage
- [x] rename classes to use CapWords convention
- [x] fix invalid names introduced by class renaming
- [x] fix type hints in tests

Bug fixes

- [x] fix colorbar position in contour plots


- [x] change exceptions to specific error types
- [x] document TODO comments in `doc/TODO.md`
- [x] modify `CHANGELOG.md`, `TODO.md`, `WISHLIST.md` to reflect semantic versioning
- future versions will use `git` branches to isolate development
- git tags and GitHub releases will be used to track versions
- small commits get a descriptive message
- branch merges get a release number


- rename `id` variables to either `idx` or `key` to avoid shadowing built-ins


- write docstrings
- modules
- classes
- methods
- functions
- add `__init__.py` to `solver` subpackage


- use generators where appropriate
- fix imports
- use f-strings
- fix spelling errors
- use `enumerate` in loops where appropriate
- fix superfluous `return` statements
- fix unnecessary `else` statements
- change underscore methods in `edgelib` to capitalized
- update `edge` class to reflect change
- update `ex0` example to reflect change
- add type hints
- functions
- methods
- classes
- fix other `pylint` and `mypy` errors
- update `pyproject.toml`

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