New shortcuts:
* The QApp and Puzzle name arguments are no longer required when creating a Puzzle. The QApp still needs to be created in non-IPython contexts, but it can now be inferred by the Piece.
* You can directly accesss a Piece's params by indexing it like a dictionary:
is now equivalent to
New features:
* A slider parameter type - displays a slider and a value label. Min and max values, as well as the step size, are defined on creation.
* First `extra` submodule - `DataGrid`s allow for storing and interacting with data using the `param` abstractions in a table format. Can be added to a Piece's `custom_layout` to enable new data manipulation tasks.
Fixes and enhancements:
* add_piece now returns the Piece instance (useful if a class is being passed for instantiation)
* `v_step` argument when creating spinboxes changes the step of the box's buttons.
* Popups now close when the Puzzle is closed.
* Default param values are cast to the right type on creation.
* IPython exception handler is now inserted correctly even if `puzzle.process_events()` is called in the cell that creates the Puzzle.
* Pieces can now be instantiated without a parent Puzzle. This allows for using the Piece as a standalone Widget in an environment where only one Piece is needed, or a Puzzle cannot be set up, but is in general not advised.
* Option to hide the bottom buttons of a Puzzle (Tree, Export, STOP)
* All code has been re-formatted using ruff.