- Resolved dependency issues with the curses library
- Implemented CaIoc class that has ability to run basic CA IOC and
provides interfaces for loading databases, as well as loading,
retrieving and updating records
- PvaServer enhancements:
- callback thread is not started until database records require it
- Area Detector Simulator enhancements:
- added ability to generate and publish image metadata, either
as CA or as PVA channels
- Streaming Framework enhancements:
- implemented ability to receive CA and PVA metadata in both data collector
and data consumer, and to process those together with the data objects
- conda/pip package dependencies:
- EPICS BASE = 7.0.7
- BOOST = 1.78.0
- NUMPY >= 1.22 (for python >= 3.8); < 1.21 (for python < 3.8)