
Latest version: v1.5.2

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Implementation of important package and model improvements.

* Migration to CircleCI 2.0 (5)
* Removed dependency on geopandas (3)
* Implementation of back horizon band shading (7)
* Clean up and add Github features (9)
* Output all the surface registries calculated for each timestamp in a Perez timeseries simulation (10)


* Marc Anoma



This is the first release of pvfactors.
We hope this package will help answer some important questions on irradiance
calculation for the PV industry.

* Use shapely and geodataframes to create 2D PV array geometries and record them
* Add ability to discretize ''pvrow'' surfaces in order to calculate irradiance distributions (eg diffuse shading)
* Use Perez diffuse light model
* Add multiprocessing and improve computational speed
* Create extensive documentation including a Jupyter notebook tutorial
* Implement circumsolar and horizon band shading to improve diffuse shading calculations
* Created tools functions for running timeseries simulations
* Make package compatible with Python3
* Add continuous integration with CircleCI
* Add versioneer for "auto-versioning" of package


* Marc Anoma

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