First release of `pwdlib` 🎉
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<em>Modern password hashing for Python</em>
pip install 'pwdlib[argon2]'
from pwdlib import PasswordHash
password_hash = PasswordHash.recommended()
hash = password_hash.hash("herminetincture")
password_hash.verify(hash, "herminetincture") True
Why `pwdlib`?
For years, the de-facto standard to hash passwords was [`passlib`]( Unfortunately, it has not been very active recently and its [maintenance status is under question]( Starting Python 3.13, `passlib` won't work anymore.
That's why I decided to start `pwdlib`, a password hash helper for the modern Python era. However, it's **not designed to be a complete replacement** for `passlib`, which supports numerous [hashing algorithms and features](
**✅ Goals**
- [x] Provide an easy-to-use wrapper to hash and verify passwords
- [x] Support modern and secure algorithms like Argon2 or Bcrypt
**❌ Non-goals**
- [ ] Support legacy hashing algorithms like MD5
- [ ] Implement algorithms directly — we should only rely on existing and battle-tested implementations